North Branch Industrial Complex is a business park located to the east of Cumberland, Maryland.
Businesses locating in the Allegany County North Branch Industrial Complex qualify for real property tax credits at 50% to 70% of the increased value of the property for up to 10 years. This program is available through the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development.
Some of the companies located in the park include:
Company | Description | Logo |
US Marine Bayliner Plant I & II | Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing | |
Superfos Packaging, Inc. | Plastic Injection Molding of Containers | |
Fibred, Inc. | Manufacturer of Dietary Food Fiber | |
Pitt Ohio Express | Freight Transportation Service | |
AMM | Metal Fabrication and Stamping | |
S. Schwab Company | Manufacturer of Infant Clothing | |
Schroeder Industries | Manufacturer of Filters for Industrial Application | |
Federal Correctional Institution | Correctional Institution |